



Scientifically Speaking | A groundbreaking gene therapy trial enables deaf children to hear for the first time

India, June 10 -- For most of us, the joys of hearing a loved one's voice or the simple pleasure of listening to music is a given. But for five children in China who were born deaf, this is now a real... Read More

Scientifically Speaking | Lorlatinib: A game-changer in lung cancer therapy

India, June 5 -- Lung cancer is responsible for more deaths worldwide than any other type of cancer. This disease is especially hard to beat because it's often detected late. In India, lung cancer is ... Read More

Scientifically Speaking | If it matters, write it down by hand: The surprising scientific benefits of handwriting

India, May 27 -- In an age dominated by keyboards and touchscreens, handwriting is becoming a lost art. Schools now emphasise typing over handwriting, and workplaces rely on automatic transcription an... Read More

Scientifically Speaking | Self-medicating and musical monkeys: Surprising studies show human-like behaviours in primates

India, May 20 -- What makes us human? It's a question that has fascinated scientists and philosophers for centuries. Activities such as tapping our fingers to create a rhythm to using medicine to heal... Read More

Scientifically Speaking | Brushing your teeth can help save your life. Here's how

India, May 15 -- Brushing your teeth regularly is good for oral hygiene. But did you know that in certain cases, brushing teeth can save lives? If you didn't, you aren't alone. Hospital-acquired pneu... Read More

Scientifically Speaking | New mRNA vaccines show promise in fighting cancer

India, May 8 -- Cancer is one of the toughest health challenges we face, and even after decades of progress in detection and treatment, many patients still succumb to it, with over nine million deaths... Read More

Scientifically Speaking | The hidden pandemic that could eclipse Covid-19

India, May 2 -- Antibiotics are essential to modern medicine, not only for treating infections but also for enabling surgeries and managing chronic diseases. Yet, we are edging towards a crisis where ... Read More

Scientifically Speaking | Discovery of nitrogen-capturing organelle is one step closer to unlocking evolutionary secrets

India, April 23 -- Life on this planet is incredibly diverse, but, paradoxically, the rules that govern life as we know it are simple. A certain harmony is maintained across all life, from bacteria an... Read More

Scientifically Speaking | The bitter truth about non-sugar sweeteners

India, April 9 -- Who doesn't want to be healthier? We've been told for many years to cut down on our consumption of sugar, and many of us embraced non-sugar sweeteners. But there's an emerging consen... Read More

Scientifically Speaking | How many steps should you walk in a day? The answer is more complex than you think

India, April 3 -- Science is a gradual process of validation or rejection of ideas. It requires constant evaluation and modification by scientists because, at any given time, our knowledge of the worl... Read More